Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Cogito, ergo sum

Don't get it confused.
The end~
it's actually the beginning.
And this whole time,
you've been sprinting,
away from your own salvation.
And guess what?
All those truths you've insisted upon reciting to yourself
Believe it-
or don't,
It's really up to you..
And as for the blanket you insist upon shrouding yourself in?
Well, It's devouring you,
eating you alive.
And when you are drowning,
drifting slowly to the bottom
well, that was your baptism.
So wake up.
Smell the sound and tempt yourself with fear,
it's the finest of delicacies.
And send your love to Shiva the Destroyer.
Rub your face deep into the mounds of shit you have created.
take a good, hard look at yourself.
You're not real.
No, You aren' t there.
And you are so damn beautiful.

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