Wednesday, September 23, 2009

we were born (the natural beginning of a life cycle)

Once i decided to pass my heart along what i thought where white sands
But it wasn't welcomed to be received, it fumbled to the ground and shattered into a million shining crystals in the sand.
And upon impact i lay my head down and tried to scoop up the pieces, like miniscule opals. In frustration of their multitude and hopelessness of being swept up by the relentless tides, i wept. it appeared as if there was no time, no life, nothingness while the tears cascaded down into the sands shining.
And then a remarkable thing happened. one day the earth itself seemed to warm underneath my body, exhausted from ceaseless, silent defeat. i lifted my head level with the sand and was surprised to see that instead of the grains of my being have been swept into the ocean along with the shining sands, pearls and shells as often occurs, the pieces were growing. they had sprouted as seeds do and reached up towards the sun, entangling with one another into two shimmering vines.
At first i was frightened by their beauty. thoughts erupted about the inevitable occurance of the vines shriveling and decaying in a cycle typical with life. convinced the world would poison them, stunt them, stamp on this beautiful thing which had came from such suffering, i thought perhaps i should be the one to cut them down. handling this loss would be too much.
Instead I nutured the growth. i watched the vines intertwine and sprout buds into something wild and free. all my pain had subsided as it grew taller and more vibrant. I thought about the tiny opals which started the new life, out of sorrow. And then i realized that was the day we were born

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